“The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter. ’tis the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.” Mark Twain

We'll see how long THIS lasts! ;)

I truly AM an optimist at heart (annoyingly so), and I REALLY love the idea of having a blog to "talk out" my writing process, but I just wanna go into this saying this may OR may not last long. I am not responsible for the expiration of anyone who chooses to hold their breath until my next post. ;)

I am planning (planning, I say!) to post once or twice a week some information on the non-fiction book I am currently in the process of writing about God's work in my family's life during my husband's serious health problems. I am planning on entering the Page Turner Contest at Faithwriters, so I have to have the first chapter and a synopsis done by September 1.

So far, I've got my introduction to the book (which I can also send as part of the first chapter) mostly polished, and the VERY beginning of my first chapter written (like 150 words). I also have "bits and pieces" of the middle written out - though not necessarily in the format I want them in the book.

Oh, I'm also planning (again, PLANNING) to participate in Fiction Fridays at Patterings.

So - stop by, but like I said, don't hold your breath.


  1. *Happy dancin* YaY!!
    I love your title, JoDear!! And as for the Fiction Friday--that's an easy post since it's already written (as long as you use old WCs!) LoL. So happy!

    oh, and welcome!!
    Huge Huggles!!

  2. Oh, you gave in to Peejer pressure:) ROFL! Welcome to the madness! Umm... I mean -- Welcome to the blogging world!

  3. yay, JO, welcome...

    I love your title too.

    See you on Fiction Friday

  4. I absolutely WILL hold my breath!!!! So glad you're here!!!!!!

  5. Oh yay! Your very own blog! *happy dance* I can't wait to see ya on Fiction Friday! ^_^ Welcome to the neverending blog circle. lolz. ^_^

  6. I bet you end up keeping your blog updated more often than I do mine. LOL. I have been trying to keep up with my Book of James study though.

    I'll check back often, but of course I don't expect to see any updates if you get too busy with other projects. :)

  7. I am so impressed that you had people commenting on your first post!!! I had NO readers when I first started writing, and those were some of my best posts. lol

    Happy blogoversary!


Thanks for stopping by. I would love to hear your thoughts - please share them!

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