My dear, amazing, sweet, encouraging, incredible Christian writer of a friend/sister in Christ Patty at Patterings seemed to have made it her mission to put a smile on my face and bless me to pieces today. I am blessed, humbled and honored to have my blog selected for this cool (and sparkly..I LIKE sparkly!) award.

Of course, this means SHE was given the award as well, and she, in a word, DESERVED it. If you are unfamiliar with Patterings, run - don't walk - and check out her amazing posts, which teach incredible lessons from her everyday (amazingly complex!) life better than just about anyone I know. Plus--she is the host of Friday Fiction - so awesome! In other words, if I could just give it right back to her, I would (LOL and maybe even leave it at that!).
But, I'm fairly certain that's not kosher. Besides, I am certainly aware of other blogs even more deserving of this award than I am, and I can't let them sit there without getting this recognition from me (LOL even if they've perhaps received it from others already). So, without further ado (and that was an AWFUL lot of "ado," wasn't it?), I prayerfully and humbly pass on this award to the incredible blogs listed below:
LauraLee's LifeSong never ceases to bless me, prick my heart, make me laugh, or point me to the Author of Life - and often all in the same post! Her beautiful, giving, loving heart shows through in everything she posts and does. Her blog, to me, defines "brilliant."
Karen at Along The Way is another blogger who has wonderful insights and thought-provoking ideas to share. She has a busy life and doesn't blog as much as some of us "addicts," but whenever God gives her the time, I definitely run over there to get fed with her perspective as fast as my connection will allow me.
Laury at In My Daddy's Arms has the tenacity of I don't know what. Despite being on vacation and/or without internet for two or three weeks during this past month, she has managed to blog EVERY SINGLE day this month thusfar (LOL and there's only one day to go!) for NaBloPoMo. And her posts are always so honest and blessing-filled and wonderful - just like her heart.
Sara at Fiction Fusion is an amazing, AMAZING writer (especially considering she's half my age--and I ain't no senior citizen!) whose depth of skill and gift for suspense is eclipsed only by her love for God and delightful personality. Mark my word--this BRILLIANT girl is going far!
My last award goes to a bright and shiny (like the sun :D) blogger who chooses to remain anonymous (yeah - I'm being good! no links). I am always blessed when I read about the goings-on in her lovely home and heart, especially when her "house guest" commandeers the computer and gives his view of the situation. There is always a blessing, and a laugh, whenever I stop by. (Oh, and by the way, anonymous, I hereby grant you the permission NOT to pay this forward)
Thank you, Patty, for this honor. Thank you, "winners," for blessing me each time I read your blogs. And thank You, Lord, for everything. You're the Brilliant One.
Jo, you are very deserving of the award, silly, and thank you for passing it on.
ReplyDeleteCongrats! :-)
ReplyDeleteA well deserved award for a brilliant, talented and awfully nice lady! Way to go!
ReplyDeleteOoooh, shiny! And well deserved indeed. And thanks for the pat on the back. (aw shucks) :-)
ReplyDeleteCongrats Joanne, on your shiny award!
ReplyDeleteAnd thank you so much for perusing my article via Faith Writers! I was thrilled to hear from you!
...beautiful site, too!
Baruch ADONAI!!!
*yike* My brain is defective sometimes!! (I wish I could use that excuse legitimately! LoL) I thought for SURE I'd commented on this post!! *blush*
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the kindness and love you've shown me! and not just in this post, either!! You're one of the bestest, JoDear!!
Jo, Wow! I did not even see this until now. THANK YOU for your words of encouragement to me. They are falling on a depleted soul. God is good to wait until now to give me this blessing.
ReplyDeleteYour blog is strongly and quickly becoming a favorite spot of mine to get the spiritual food I need to hold my head up high on my faith walk. YOur testimony and faith humble and amaze me.