“The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter. ’tis the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.” Mark Twain

Whose Day?

Today is a very special day. You see, exactly 41 years ago today, in a hospital in Encino, California, at 3:31pm PT, a future writer, mother, wife, and child of God emerged from her mother's womb. And, like every other person on earth, I was born a sinner. And every year, I celebrate that: some years with more fanfare than others.

Today is also Sunday, what many Christians call the Lord's Day. It's a day to focus on God by going to church, worshiping, resting, praising Him, singing songs, listening to His Word being preached, etc.

This is the second time since I've been a Christian that my birthday has fallen on a Sunday. Both times, I've found it very special to spend much of my birthday in church. It certainly helps with my mood!

It got me to thinking about "days" in general. Because this is my birthday, people tend to tell me it's "my day." Generally, on "my day," I expect certain perks, if you will. A bit of extra attention. A present or two. My favorite foods. Some phone calls or cards from folks I haven't heard from in a while. My choice of activities. Perfectly behaved kids (I can dream, can't I?). Most would not consider these expectations (well, besides the last one!) unreasonable. And, ashamedly, I will say that if I DON'T get these, I might get a bit testy.

What do you suppose our Lord expects from us on "His day?" A bit of attention? Prayer and praise? Focus on Him? Some time learning about Him in His Word? Focusing on the message He's sent to us through His messenger, the pastor? Again, not unreasonable. How often do we do this for Him?

But, do you know what? God does not own just one day out of the week. He created Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and the others just as much as He did Sunday.
Every single day of the week, from eternity past to eternity future, is the Lord's Day.
Can you imagine how pleased the Lord would be, and how different this world would look, if we treated the God with the same respect and honor we expect on our own birthdays every day of the year? How would you feel if your child/best friend/spouse forgot to call you on your birthday? Perhaps the Lord feels similarly when we don't spend time with him in prayer and Bible reading. I certainly don't want to cause Him that kind of disappointment. Not much of a relationship builder, is it?

And what if I only acknowledged my mother's birthday every seven years? And how is that different from only giving God my attention one day out of seven?
This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalms 118:24 NIV
Whether it's Sunday or not, remember that it IS the Lord's Day--more so than August 3 is "my day."

Try giving God the attention He deserves--and you don't even have to pick Him up a gift card.


  1. So glad he made you! Happy Birthday. Thank you for sharing these special thoughts on your special day. Sundays are, indeed, a day for celebration for so many reasons.

    Rest in your creation this night.


  2. I love how you find spiritual applications in everything. Touching reminder, and one that I think I'll remember. Thanks!

    Happy Birthday, friend! So glad I know you. :-)

  3. Ouch. Ya got me! and you didn't even lend me your hard hat before I walked into this one!

    Great connection, Jo!
    and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! God gave ME a gift when He gave me our friendship!! Love you, Sweetie!

  4. AMEN!! Thank you, JO, for your faithful testimony and love for your Lord. May each year bring you closer and closer to HIM.

  5. Happy Birthday, Jo!

    As a friend, I can attest that you certainly live out what you are admonishing others to do in this post. You are a great example of living each day for His glory. So glad He made you.


Thanks for stopping by. I would love to hear your thoughts - please share them!

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