I LOVE watching that ticker going down. This conference is going to be wonderful. Click on the button on the top of my sidebar (or the same button lower down in this post!) to get all the details. I'm gonna repeat the basics here real quick, then give you some information on the COMBINED SESSIONS.
Nurturing the Whole Writer
Friday and Saturday, August 7 and 8, 2009
Radisson Hotel, Livonia, MI
Cost: $72 for FW 500 members
$82 for others
The conference will include both combined sessions (where everyone attends) and workshop blocks (where you choose from two options). This week, I'm going to focus on the combined sessions. If these topics (and speakers!) don't induce you, I'm not sure what will! (but if this doesn't work, I'll try again next week)
FRIDAY EVENING: Unchaining the Screaming Muse: David Ian
This man is incredibly entertaining and creative and..well..just, DAVID IAN (trust me - there is no better description). He's a writer, playwright, actor, director, and more. And to open this incredible conference, he's going to explore the difference between your inspiration (aka Screaming Muse) and editor (Genghis Khan), and how to get the Muse moving without old Khan cramping your style (excuse my paraphrase, but I'm EXCITED).
SATURDAY MORNING: Book Marketing 101 – How to Market for Online Success – Linore Rose Burkard
I have to admit I don't know this author personally (or even "internettedly"), but I have read a wonderful interview of her at Patterings. She is a multi-published novelist, and a successful marketer of her inspirational regency romances. She'll be teaching us how to harness the potential of the Internet to get our message/book across. This is geared especially toward the first-time novelist.
Oh the Times, They are a Changing! – It’s a Whole New Publishing World Out There - Deb Porter
EVERYONE at Faithwriters knows Deb, our very own breath of fresh air from Down Under. She is a writer, editor, encourager, speaker, and runner of nearly everything at Faithwriters. She JUST got back from a conference for self-publishers, and has been talking about all the incredible information she has for us on the changing publishing world. She'll be talking about all the many new publishing possibilities/options for the 21st Century writer.
A. You Got Style – Yes You Do! – Finding Your Voice in the Midst of the Melee - Corrine Smelker
Cori is another amazing writer, editor, and all-around talented lady (and she has the COOLEST ACCENT EVER!! Seriously - worth attending just to hear it!). She was a fabulous presenter at the last conference, and I know this time will be no different. With so much written material available to readers today, and so many writers clamoring for attention, it’s not always easy to impress a client or grab a reader’s attention – and there’s very little time to do it. Let Cori show you how to develop your own unique style and then flaunt it in the best possible way.
B. Fit to Write – Nurturing the Whole Writer – Deb Porter
Yup...our wonderful Deb again. And this one, I'm sure, will help us close the conference with a bang--and a blessing. Are you glued to your keyboard? Is your exercise regime restricted to your fingers? Are you spending so much time writing about God that you don’t have any time to spend with Him? These are just some of the common physical, emotional and spiritual pitfalls faced by many Christian writers today.With warmth, humor and personal experience, Deb Porter provides encouragement and solutions to help nurture the whole writer.
So, have I convinced you yet? Click on the button below for even MORE information, and to print off your registration. Hope to see you there!

I'm in! Cannot wait!
ReplyDeleteYour description of David Ian cracked me--because you're so right. He had us laughing and thinking and THAT is a a valuable commodity.
And Corie--well, let's just say that 2 years ago her words were exactly what I needed to hear and they greatly spurred me on.
SO looking forward to this year!!
You're going to have the bestest time ever! I'm so happy for you!
ReplyDeleteOk...Ok...Ok...I'll come! LOL Every time I hear about all that will be in story for us at this conference, I get excited all over again!
ReplyDeleteI CAN NOT wait for this. Not only will we receive great information for our writing world, but we'll get to meet so many we've conversed with for months via the Faithwriters boards.
OH how exciting!