“The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter. ’tis the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.” Mark Twain

Giveaway - This Picture Needs A Caption

Just a fun little contest for you all :)

I spotted this picture in the Sunday Meijer ad, and I busted a gut. And every time I look at it, I STILL bust a gut!

So...I want YOU to bust a gut too! AND, just for fun, I'm gonna have a bit of a contest to go with it. All you need to do is come up with a caption for this picture. You have until Friday at midnight to comment here on my blog with what you think belongs under this picture. I'll pick my favorite (yes - this is SUBJECTIVE) and give an interesting prize (LOL not sure what - am going to Meijer today and will pick something out). AND I'll also pick a name randomly from all those who entered and give away another prize (probably a book with one of my stories in it - depends on what I can dig up). I'll announce the winners Saturday morning - AND you can enter from ANYWHERE.

And now, without further ado: the picture!

(and in case you're wondering - it is ACTUALLY for hunters)

Have fun!


  1. "But they told me I was a shoe in for the Star Wars remake!"

  2. "Yet by the grace of God, here stand I!"

  3. Honey!!!!! The kids have been playing with their Chia Pets too close to my Rogaine again!!!!!!

  4. "Mom always told me to eat my greens, and dad always said 'you are what you eat.' I should have listened to dad!"

  5. Breaking news....We have finally found the cure for baldness. Story within...

  6. These are all hilarious. I don't know how Joanne will figure out which one will win;)

  7. "I called him Oscar the Grouch so many times, it must have went to his head."

    Cute contest Jo! Love the Chia Pet/Rogaine one. Hee hee, snort.

  8. The Boogey-Man will getcha, if you don't watch out!

  9. Sherry CastelluccioSeptember 29, 2009

    "I don't what happened, honey! Suddenly I turned around and I'm ambushed by a guy slinging mud and yelling, "I told you to keep that dog off my lawn!"

  10. "The best way to catch Bigfoot is to blend in with his community."

  11. Bob loved his special, knitted green suit. Unfortunately, so did his mother's twelve cats.

  12. "My wife will never find me in here."

  13. Hello, this is 1st visit to your blog and it is wonderful. Thank you for sharing and inspiring. You have a beautiful blog.


  14. WANTED: Dead or Alive:
    Sasquatch AKA Bigfoot
    Considered unarmed but dangerous. May be using "hunter" alias.
    Use extreme caution if approached.
    BO may be deadly if inhaled.

  15. Ha ha ha!!!

    There are some good ones!

    Have fun choosing, JO

  16. "They said I looked like a male model. They didn't tell me they meant for mohair."

  17. oh. my. goodness! I soooooo don't envy you having to pick a winner on this one! LoL--what imaginations. Now we just need Beffy to write a poem about him!!!! :)

  18. Unfortunate result of science experiment gone wrong. Man mixes Rogainne with fertilizer. Mixture explodes.

  19. After the trial run, the company decided that the Jolly Green Giant was much more marketable than the Furry Green Asparagus.

  20. Ralph hoped his new costume would help him play a convincing enough tree to finally, after 6 years of school plays, get a different role next year.

  21. no worries, this is only my north side. you dont EVEN want to see my south side.


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