“The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter. ’tis the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.” Mark Twain

Celebrating Another Step: "Ailing Body, Nourished Soul" Progress/Update

I know - it's NOT the end of the month quite yet, but I couldn't POSSIBLY wait to share the latest step in my "finishing my book" process.
Last night, I FINISHED my last read-through of Ailing Body, Nourished Soul before sending it off for its professional edit.
Now, the ball, for the moment, is no longer in my court. Just waiting (patiently - really!) for my editing estimate from the amazingly talented, beautiful, loving, and busy Deb Porter, and then the thing will be off my desk :). I can hardly believe it!

I'm buying donuts today to celebrate. Chocolate, of course! It's party time!!

So, what's next, you ask?

My plan for the rest of this month and all of next is to start researching agents and publishing houses and such. Once I get my beautiful manuscript back (hopefully torn to pieces by sweet Deb so I can make it better! LOL), I'll shine it up and get ready to send it to those scary people! Wow.

Thank you, Lord! And all of YOU!



  1. Joannne,

    That's FANTASTIC news! Congrats! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  2. Wonderful news. One more reason to be thankful. (OK--donuts--2 reasons) Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Doing the Happy Dance with you right now girl! That and pretending that I'm sharing those donuts with you. WOW!!! How's it feel to be finished? So proud of you.

  4. Joanne, that's so exciting! I'm cheering for you. Woohoo!

    Have an awesome Thanksgiving.

  5. This is my day for honoring and thanking God for wonderful friends. I've nominated you for an award on my blog Homespun Expressions.


  6. Good for you, I'm sure that feels great!

  7. I am SO excited for you! I just know it is going to minister to so many. Congratulations!!

  8. This is sooooooo great, Joanne. Many blessings on you. I know this book will be used by God for His glory.


Thanks for stopping by. I would love to hear your thoughts - please share them!

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