My new bloggy friend Shellie Bailey put up a post at her blog Faith and Fiction last Thursday, asking writers to share why they write (she, of course, started the ball rolling here), and to link up at the bottom of her post.
Thought it sounded like a great idea at the time - and so I sat on it. And sat. And sat.
Until today.
TODAY, I'm actually doing it. So..without further ado...
By Joanne Sher

It wasn't until I began my spiritual journey that would eventually lead me to Christ that my writing became a passion: a need.
It began as I read through the Bible for the first time. I typed out my thoughts--25 single space pages of them. I couldn't help it. The writing was as necessary as the reading. And it had a great effect on bringing me to Christ.
And then life happened. And scrapbooking. Yeah - scrapbooking. That was my creative outlet. Most of my writing at this point was the descriptions under the photos. Oh, yeah, and babies and toddlers. REALLY put a crimp in your time.
But that was only the beginning. Then my family got hit over the head with a 2x4 - also known as my husband's brain tumor and assorted complications. It ran my life. For a few years, I often say I used every bit of my creativity to keep our family together and relatively sane.
But one day, life slowed down a bit. I was out of crisis mode, and things were almost approaching something that could be considered normal. I felt like I needed an outlet for my creativity.
It was then that God, through a google search, led me to my current passion for writing. FaithWriters reenergized my love for writing, and introduced me to the possibility of doing so for God's glory. And I was sold.
So, why do I write? For His glory, and because it is my way, for now, of sharing Him with whoever will listen.
Oh - and cuz I like to do it (most of the time anyway!).
So - that was longer than I figured - but also very good for me, I think! I'd LOVE to hear all my writer friends' answer to this question. Post it in the comments, or do so on your blog and link up at Shellie's place!

Paving Rough Roads With God's Presence
=] Remembering why we write is very helpful!! It can refocus me faster than anything. Thanks for reminding me to go back and remember why.
I'm so glad you write! I was actually thinking about you earlier today while talking to my two oldest sons. They're on a week-long trip to the Boston area and today were in Salem, visiting all the historical spots for the witch trials. Made me think about the creative words you put to that story a while back...
ReplyDeleteMy writing pen has been a bit dry since our recent move. So has my heart, but I'm convinced that all will come full circle in God's timing. I'm eager for the time, motivation, and quiet to get back to it. I think, perhaps, I might have to wait until school resumes.
Until then, keep writing as you can, friend, and know that you were thought about today and prayed for!
Good question! I loved reading your answer, but I don't know if I'm ready to figure it out yet. :)
ReplyDeleteI loved reading this, Joanne. You're doing this for all the good reasons.
ReplyDeleteThat question always leaves me feeling squeamish--I know what the RIGHT answer is, and I'm pretty sure it's not why I write. I write because I LOVE to write--it makes me whole by helping me to understand life--how I look at it--how I feel about it. It helps me grow intellectually, emotionally, spiritually. My perpetual prayer is: Lord, use my words to Your glory--even if I my motivation for writing them was selfish.
ReplyDeleteJo, I'm glad you've brought up the question. I don't really have doubts as to why I write, and there are lots of reasons - blogging is a means to express what God has put in my heart in hopes that someone else will be blessed by it - but blogging is only one aspect of my writing. Whether or not I am ever "published" in the traditional sense, I will never regret writing... I enjoy it as a personal outlet, but more than that a lot of it I believe is like part of "finishing the race" because I don't want Him to have to ask me what I did with what He gave me! Hope that makes sense... Right now I haven't had much time for blogging, but I am still writing a novel I have been working on for a few years, and editing my own Friday Fiction posts (Dusty Dreams, primarily) and editing for someone else... in addition to other activities... well, I guess it's good to be busy! I believe we should all keep up with writing if that is a talent God has given us, so bless all you writers out there!
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed learning a bit more about you.