So today, on the first of October (also my baby brother's birthday - Happy Bday, Artie!), it's time for me to review my writing goals for September and set some new ones for the new month.
So to start...here are my September goals, straight from my last goals/progress post:
- Type in as many of the 96 handwritten pages of Handmaiden to a Princess as I can, tweaking and polishing as I go. (remember my former mentionings of writing in the "in between times?" It adds up. Trust me.)
- Once I get Ailing Body Nourished Soul back from its edit, make the necessary fixes and get it off to to the agent assistant as soon as possible.
- Post a minimum of three times a week to my blog.
- READ! (books - not just blog posts) For PLEASURE!
- Enter the FaithWriters' Writing Challenge in September
However, I did NOT enter the writing challenge, and I haven't worked on fixing Ailing Body Nourished Soul -- my wonderful editor hasn't gotten it back to me yet (I'd rather a thorough job anyway :D). But still, not bad, eh?
One other thing I HAVE been working on, however, is getting the first part of Handmaiden To A Princess ready for a couple of contests I'm planning on entering it in. Been keeping me busy :)
And on that note--my goals for October:
- Get the first 7,000 words of Handmaiden to a Princess ready for West Houston RWA's Emily contest- and submit it in the "Novel with Romantic Elements" category before the October 7 deadline.
- Get the first 1,000 words and back cover blurb of Handmaiden to a Princess ready for ACFW Ohio's Hook Me contest and submit before the October 31 deadline.
- Once I get Ailing Body Nourished Soul back from its edit, make the necessary fixes and get it off to to the agent assistant as soon as possible.
- Write another 5k or more in Handmaiden to a Princess. (after the contest stuff is dealt with)
- Finish Plot and Structure, and read at least one NON-CRAFT book for pleasure (or at least start it)
- Post a minumum of three times a week to my blog (if I keep doing well, this will be understood, and OFF my goal list.)
- Enter the FaithWriters' Writing Challenge in October.

Paving Rough Roads With God's Presence
You know I'm praying for you. I want to be just like you when I grow up. ;)
ReplyDeleteI think I need help. I think the Homemaker's Challenge sounds like something right up my alley, but I can't find the post "Challenge" and I can't figure out how to get a button, and I can't find where I comment to the Challenge people and how I link my blog to them so I am included. Can you help?
ReplyDeletethere's a reason I'm a fan of Joanne. you rock. I'm inspired to start my own goals list but am afraid of the rate of failure-- (like having the same unchecked-off goals for months or years-- eek).
ReplyDeletebow of wow to my uber cool friend Joanne.