“The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter. ’tis the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.” Mark Twain

Barn Doors and Jewels

Lately I've been feeling like a "guest blogging queen." It seems like most of my posts lately are pointing you to some other site.

With THAT being said... ;) I've got a post over at the Barn Door today--a "fictionish" (as I call it) piece about a way my eyes - and ears - were changed about twelve years ago. Would love for you to stop by and hear about the "Noisy Quiet."

Jewels of Encouragement
And now, just for good measure, I thought I'd point you to yet ANOTHER site that is so near and dear to my heart. (Wouldn't want you to stay HERE or anything!) My dear friend and the other half of my brain Patty Wysong has put together a group of incredibly wonderful and encouraging women (yeah - me included) at a brand new group blog that opens FRIDAY.

Jewels of Encouragement is going to be an incredible place to stop by and get some...you guessed it...encouragement. Pop on over now and sign up for the feed - check out the bloggers who will be there (their blogs are on the blog list in the sidebar). And watch for that first post in just TWO DAYS. There are some amazing ladies who will be posting over there (and we're still looking for a few more folks who might be interested in joining us). You'll love it.

And tomorrow, I might even have a post that you'll want to STICK AROUND to read. Maybe... ;)

Paving Rough Roads With God's Presence


  1. just stopped by Jewels...How exciting! I even came back to look around awhile...

    only to read these words, which I REALLY needed to hear...did I mention that I REALLY, REALLY needed to hear them..."But that's not the way God wants it to be. He wants you (and that includes me!) to "honor one another above yourselves," to "in humility value others above yourselves.""

    SO thank you for encouraging me and inspiring me...now off to read Noisy Quiet! love you!

  2. I'll have to check it out Joanne! Thanks for all the encouragement and excellent sites you showcase!

  3. I just realized, JoE opens the same day my NEW blog opens. How cool! I'm so excited to be getting to contribute. Can't wait.

    Better go get my bio done. :)

  4. Look at you, Jo, running all over hill and dale, spreading sunshine WHEREVER you go!


Thanks for stopping by. I would love to hear your thoughts - please share them!

My One Word: 2016 and 2017

Most who know me know I am a very goal-oriented person (in fact, I already shared my goal wrap-up for 2016 and my new ones for 2017 on this...