The purpose of Monday Manna to get together and get to know Christ more through His Word. Each Thursday, a Bible verse to ponder will be posted, either here or at my dear friend Vonnie's blog, My Back Door. The following Monday, those participating will post their thoughts on the verse at their own blogs and link up at the bottom of the post in the Mr. Linky gadget. The main purpose is to chew on the same Scripture and learn from one another.
I'm hosting this week.
I had a bit of help picking today's verse.
You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. Psalm 16:11Looking forward to your thoughts. Mine are below.
Today we're remembering men and women who died defending our country. People who gave the ultimate sacrifice for the freedom we in the United States often take for granted: the freedom to assemble, express our minds, worship as we please, to live without fear of governmental reprisals, among other things.

But for those like Nick Roush, a local boy who died in Afghanistan almost two years ago, the hope still lives - in the lives of his friends and family. For, you see, Nick was a believer. The Lord made known to this man the way of life. And when this 22-year-old left earth, He entered glory. The Lord filled him with joy. Nick is at the Lord's right hand, enjoying eternal pleasures, just as this week's verse reminds us.

And those of us who are still here, including his parents Bob and Donna, we have the assurance that, no matter how hard life may be on earth, we'll see our loved ones in heaven - and we'll be in His presence. And we'll see our loved ones again - whether they were killed in action like Nick, or died another way. As long as they knew the way of life, they'll be there.
And that makes it more bearable.
You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. Psalm 16:11
Thanks for reading. Be sure to link up below and read others' thoughts on this verse. You'll be blessed.

Paving Rough Roads With God's Presence
When at church, several songs, words, and standing ovations were shared honoring those who've sacrificed their lives for our freedoms. As we did this, I began to think about the one man I never got to meet, but hope to one day. My great uncle Bob, who never returned home from WWII.
ReplyDeleteI began to imagine what it must have been like for my great-grandma to receive the news: her son wouldn't make it home alive. But then, he is home -- I hope -- with her now, and with my grandma; and one day the rest of us who remain.
I don't know why, but this was the first time it really sunk in that someone in my family played a part in our freedom. But it did, and I'm glad.
My deepest gratitude goes to all those who have served, and are still serving: Thank you.
I don't know how others can live without the hope of seeing loved ones in heaven.
ReplyDeleteHaving family and friends now in the military has made patriotic days more meaningful to me.
Beautiful tribute and great way you illustrated the verse.