FIRST - if you're looking for Monday Manna, either scroll down or click here.
This week (and last, to be honest), I'm participating in a competition of sorts. Clash of the Titles is a VERY cool blog where two authors (usually published) put their writing against each other. Two anonymous excerpts go head to head for most of the first week. After voting closes, you get to find out who wrote the pieces, and the following Friday, we find out who wins the clash.

Well, last and this week was an unpublished clash - and the topic was setting description. Well, I was one of those authors! Click here to see the excerpts (I'm excerpt A), here to see me and Mary Hall (my SO worthy competition) "revealed," and here for my spotlight (Mary's will be Wednesday).
It's scary to put your writing out there for everyone to see (especially when you know a professional hasn't "fixed it" yet), but it's been awful fun so far. And whether I win or lose (guessing you know my preference LOL), it's been a great experience. Check the site out on Friday to see who reigns triumphant!

Paving Rough Roads With God's Presence
That's so cool, Jo! Iron sharpens iron--you can't help but coming out a winner.