“The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter. ’tis the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.” Mark Twain

Tired and Weary?

Living by Grace
Welcome to the combined Monday Manna with Living By Grace (click here for this new Facebook community). The purpose of Monday Manna to get together and get to know Christ more through His Word. Each Thursday, a Bible verse to ponder will be posted, either here or at my dear friend Vonnie's blog, My Back Door. The following Monday, those participating will post their thoughts on the verse at their own blogs and link up at the bottom of the post in the Mr. Linky  gadget. The main purpose is to chew on the same Scripture and learn from one another.

AND now, we'll also be discussing the devotional - and thoughts about it - at Living By Grace.

And here's today's verse:
Do you not know?
   Have you not heard?
The LORD is the everlasting God,
   the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.  Isaiah 40:28
Looking forward to your thoughts. Mine are below.


I dozed off yesterday. During adult Sunday School. I was sitting quite close to the teacher, too. Not sure if he noticed or not (though I think he might have, since he asked me a question just as I was about to doze off - or maybe it was just as I was waking up. Not sure LOL). My husband did, however, and he tapped me on the side to bring me back from lala land to reality. So I missed a bit of the lesson.

Photo from sxc.hu
I have a project I've been working on for seven months that I am just about finished with it. But I have to admit that, over the last several weeks, I've had some trouble staying motivated. You'd think that, being so close to the end, I'd get that "second wind" and push that last bit out quickly. But it didn't happen that way. To be honest, I'd grown a bit weary, and it took some extra motivation to get those last words written.

These are normal things for me. They happen all the time. And I'm not alone. (Maybe? Humor me here, eh?) Due to the simple fact that we are human, tiredness and weariness are normal - a part of our normal lives (though, of course, I wish the tiredness would stop hitting me in church :::roll::: ).

It is at times like these when I praise God that He is NOT that way. Our God is everlasting. He never began and will never end. He doesn't dose off when we're chatting with Him. He will not grow weary when we spend months, or years, working on the same issue. He's always there beside us, keeping His eyes on us.

It's such a comfort to know that no matter how often I fall asleep on the job, or grow weary of the tasks the Lord has for me, He neither slumbers nor sleeps. He's always working.


Thanks for stopping by! Be sure to check out the other posts below, write up one of your own and link up, and/or join the discussion at Living By Grace.

Riding God's Grace Over Rough Roads


  1. Tsk! Tsk! (just kidding) I've dozed in church, too. (especially in prayer meeting, when my eyes are already closed)

    So you finished your rough draft? Yay!

  2. I'm thankful He doesn't doze off on me! I too am guilty of letting my heavy lids shut and dozing off. I had a rabbit growing up that looked exactly like this picture! His name was Oliver, "Olly" for short!

  3. It's a good thing they didn't put a couch in my office!

    Isn't it great that God doesn't get tired–and that if I fall asleep in the middle of my prayers he knows what I was going to say anyway? (Not sure about the church service or Sunday School! hehehehe)

  4. Thanks for the wonderful reminder that our God doesn't sleep or grow weary with us! Just beginning to read Crazy Love by Francis Chan and after just one chapter, am looking forward to being fully awake! Reveling in the awesomeness of my Savior!Have a great day full of God's blessings!

  5. argh. This morning I sat down to work on my Bible study lesson for tomorrow night and promptly feel asleep. I HATE it when I do that!!

    Thanks for this, Jo. Needed it. =]

  6. Ha, ha, he probably did notice Joanne. I agree I'm so glad is much better at following through than I am. Praying that your second wind comes along my friend. Blessings


Thanks for stopping by. I would love to hear your thoughts - please share them!

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