AND now, we'll also be discussing the devotional - and thoughts about it - at Living By Grace.
I'm hosting today - and here's the verse:
But let the one who boasts boast about this: that they have the understanding to know me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,” declares the LORD. Jeremiah 9:24Looking forward to your thoughts. Mine are below.
I'm going to be honest here. I love getting credit for hard work I've done. It makes me smile when I get a "thank you" for something I've accomplished and, I'm ashamed to say, I sometimes get grumpy when my efforts go unnoticed.
I wouldn't exactly call myself a braggart, but I certainly don't complain when others give me kudos. And maybe that's natural. Who really wants to be ignored when they have a great accomplishment?
But, of course, I don't really do anything, do I? It is only through Christ that I can accomplish good things. So boasting is ridiculous, unless we are boasting about He who allows us to accomplish.
I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5And He is certainly someone to boast about, is He not? Just look at the qualities mentioned in this Monday's verse. He exercises kindness, justice and righteousness. This world is His, and every good thing is from Him.

So I have nothing to boast about - unless I'm bragging about my God. And that's someOne to brag about!
Thanks for reading. Be sure to link up below with your own thoughts - and stop over at Living By Grace to join the discussion!

Traveling Rough Roads With God's Strength
I think we all need encouragement at times and that's great as long as we don't let it blow our heads up to the size of a blimp! lol
ReplyDeleteHey, your blog look has changed! I like it!
And I like bragging on Jesus! He's awesome. Happy Thanksgiving!
I think we all can appreciate a nice pat on the back from time to time.
ReplyDeleteIt's a constant struggle, isn't it Joanne? The inner natural craving for recognition while the spirit points our eyes heavenward to acknowledge the One that truly deserves the honor and praise. And of course we all appreciate that pat on the back and word of praise—but I must constantly remind myself to direct that sentiment up toward heaven from "whence cometh my help." Thanks for a great post.
ReplyDeleteAt the risk of it becoming a kind of thoughtless phrase, it's not a bad idea to add a "Thank you, and to God be the glory." when we are complimented on something we do.
ReplyDeleteGreat reminder, Joanne.
It IS funny that we like to take credit for a gift/ability that the Lord gave us, isn't it? Just goes to show how our human nature is extremely self-focused! Love Jeremiah 9:24 and the way it re-focuses us on the Lord - the only One to glory in! Thanks for sharing this truth, Joanne!
ReplyDeleteIt's a life-long lesson to learn to do things without expecting praise or reward.
ReplyDeleteThis is something I need to watch. Sometimes I let my words fly, and realize after the fact, "Oops! That sounded prideful." In fact, just two Saturdays ago I had to redo a blog post, as God convicted me through Scripture it sounded prideful. One word change made all the difference. Thanks for the reminder today to keep our boasting centered on God and what He's done. Because really, we're nothing more than dust. :-) And without Him, filthy dust at that!
ReplyDeleteI tend to avoid bragging--even about my heavenly Father--which maybe I shouldn'. I will have to let my heart ponder all of this. Thanks, Jo.