“The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter. ’tis the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.” Mark Twain

Out of the Frying Pan...A Goals/Progress Update

Can it REALLY be November?


In fact, if I'm "on schedule," by the time you read this, I'll have already had my tech-free Tuesday on the first, when I wrote close to 2,000 words in my current WIP (longhand). But as I'm writing this in October, no guarantees.

But November is for later. How about we start with my goals from last month?

Here you go - right from last month's goals/progress post:
  1. Finish fleshing out my 12-step plotting, do characterization, outlining, etc. for Handmaiden to a Princess so I'm prepared to write 50K words of it in November (yes - I'm doing NaNoWriMo - for the first time!)
  2. Keep up and  learn as much as possible from the free ACFW course on Plotting and Outlining (to help me prepare for NaNoWriMo).
  3. Four blog posts average a week
  4. More thinking about Ailing Body, Nourished Soul.
  5. Edits of the biblical fiction devos with Jennifer Slattery
Well, I did a decent amount of preparation for NaNoWriMo (click there to be my NaNo buddy) - finished my 12-step plotting, filled out character sheets on five of my characters, and some other stuff. Of course I could have done more, but it's November now - and at least I don't have less!

The plotting and outlining class was pretty good (I did keep up), and I have been pondering ABNS (which will almost definitely become more of a "how to survive a crisis" type book - eventually). And JEN AND I FINISHED OUR BIBLICAL FICTION DEVO EDITING! Just waiting to hear back from a publisher about it. High hopes here :) And with 20 posts this month, I easily made the four posts a week thing.

So, in a word or two - a good month. And now on to THIS month.
  1. Keep up on the blogging I "need" to do (FaithWriters blog three times a week, Monday Manna, a2z, and my three group blog posts) minimum. Anything else is gravy. (some of this I've prewritten before November)
  2. Write 50,000 words in Handmaiden to a Princess (yes - typing that TOTALLY freaked me out!).
  3.  Do NOT read every blog on my google reader (this COULD be a goal that's hard to keep, believe it or not - but if I don't, there's NO way I can get the writing done I need to!).
I do believe that's enough. :) Thanks for reading, and encouraging me. Be sure you become my NaNo buddy if you're playing along - no promises I'll chat, but I like to be connected.

Traveling Rough Roads With God's Strength


  1. Longhand? Yikes! I hate my handwriting. I can't hardly read it. :)

    I'm not doing NaNo, but I'm cheering you on!

  2. Add me to your list of cheerleaders, Joanne. And, BTW, I LOVE your blog page.

  3. Way to Joanne. So easy to get distracted by all the interesting post in my reader.


Thanks for stopping by. I would love to hear your thoughts - please share them!

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