And here they are!
Delivery Room Angst by Karlene Jacobsen at Jewels of Encouragement
(about wait and pain and the reward at the end)
Dirty Snow Angel by Mari LaVell at A Mari Heart (about perfection and God using those of us who aren't)
Potentially Tense Canaries by Andy Scheer at From The Heart (about spell-check NOT being the be-all, end-all - made me laugh)
Five Ways to Welcome New Chicks by Lisa Lickel at Reflections in Hindsight (on being a wonderful in-law)
When Writing Isn't Your Day Job (guest post) by Nancy Kimball at Seekerville (on dealing with word-count envy and other such things)
Hope you enjoy these posts - I know I did :)

Traveling Rough Roads With God's Strength
Thanks for sharing.