My deadline to submit my complete nonfiction manuscript to the One Hope contest at Write Integrity Press (which I finalled in! Winner gets cash and a publishing contract!) is only two months away, and I still have me some work to do. And I do NOT like turning things in at the last minute.
But enough about how short time is. How did I do in October, and what are my plans for November? Read on to find out
Here are my goals, direct from last month's goals/progress post.
- More research for Handmaiden to a Princess
- Keep up in the Mastering Goal, Motivation, and Conflict class at Savvy Authors
- Keep up in October's free ACFW course on characterization
- Prepare a chapter of Handmaiden to a Princess for the free edit Cindy Vallar (teacher of the writing and researching historical fiction class I took) offered to all her students.
I did SOME research, but not a whole lot. Checked a couple books out from my local library, and have found some others at a local college library that I'll investigate later. Started taking a bit of notes too.
I did NOT prepare the chapter for the edit - but his was a deliberate decision. With all the changes I'll be making to the plot and such, I'd rather get a critique on a chapter that at least resembles what I'd be submitting to agents/editors eventually. Here's hoping I get that chapter written in a timelyish fashion. But not in November.
Speaking of that-month-that-starts-tomorrow...
Here are my goals.
- Take notes necessary in Plants of the Bible by Michael Zohary and The History of Ancient Israel by Michael Grant (my two library books) for Handmaiden to a Princess.
- Keep up in ACFW's November loop course on weaving the spiritual thread into your story.
- Fix up Ailing Body, Nourished Soul for the One Hope contest, based on my dear friends' read-throughs. Would LOVE to be ready to submit by my next goals/progress post.
- Do some plotting (snowflaking?) on Handmaiden to a Princess with the new ideas I have. Thinking serious writing may begin either in December or January.
So - How was YOUR month?

Traveling Rough Roads With God's Strength
It is always encouraging to me to come here and read your goals. You are doing them and that is exciting!
ReplyDeleteI stopped blogging so I can focus more on my writing. I felt the time needed to keep it up was running into my writing time. My goal is to finish this book this early spring.