Finds for Fridays is my way of sharing some of the wonderful blogs posts I read each week. I am currently following close to 100 blogs and at least scan them as much as I can. Each week, I'll note and "set aside" some posts that especially speak to me for whatever reason. And each Friday that I am able, I'll share them with you. I hope you'll stop by and read the posts, and maybe even follow the blogs if you aren't already. A win-win, right?
And here they are!
The Truth Is... By Anna K. Jeffrey at Jewels of Encouragement (about the depth of His love)
God Creates Fruit, I Only Enjoy It by Lynda Schultz at Grains of Sand (about growth and our, and His, role in it)
Novelist or Freelancer?... by Diana Dart at Thistle and That (about using freelancing skills for fiction writing)
3 Ways to Respond to Detours in Life by Jessica R. Patch at her blog (about change and how we should respond)
Hope you'll stop by these blogs, and maybe even follow them. Some wonderful reads!
Riding God's Grace Over Rough Roads
Thanks so much for posting these. I'll be checking each of them out, and special thanks for linking mine. I'm so glad it touched it you! :)